Great Leaders’ Know when NOT to Trust their Intuition

Great leaders follow their intuition when making decisions.

Billionaire Sir Richard Branson successfully reached the edge of space on board his Virgin Galactic rocket plane, the first of the new space tourism pioneers to try out their own vehicles, beating Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and SpaceX’s Elon Musk.

It started with trusting his gut instinct at a young age and following his intuition he could make it happen. In his own words “ I rely far more on gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics.” 

When you’re  under pressure,  feeling stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted and feel everyone wants something from you, being able gain clarity quickly around when to trust your intuition to solve problems and make decisions is vital.

We must prioritise how to re-establish the connection with ourselves first to create a sense of peace to know we are in flow and ready to trust the timing of making important decisions.

As a successful business leader, what you say no to, is more important as to what to say yes to. The aim is to get yourself in the best state of possibility –  spiritually, mentally and physically to trust your intuition and make the best decision.  Giving yourself time to step away from life – personally and professionally – recharge and re-evaluate is vitally important.  A few minutes, hours, a great nights sleep, even deferring a decision until you are in the  best place to make the t decision is what makes you a trusted leader.


Some of my favourite quotes on world class leaders saying no:

“When in doubt, don’t.” Benjamin Franklin

“Focusing is about saying no.” Steve Jobs

“The ability to say no is a tremendous advantage for an investor” Warren Buffett

When is the right/wrong time to make a decision and trust your intuition?

The best time to follow your intuition, the data and intellect to make great decisions is when you are in a more grounded and centred place.

Don’t make a decision when you are exhausted – Focus on your well-being and increasing your energy. You want to send a clear bright energy and frequency with your decision.

“Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment” – Dale Carnegie

If you don’t feel clear and cannot trust your inner voice, leave it for another time or for another day.


The 4 tips to guide you when in doubt:


  1. If you are feeling really blocked, frustrated, angry, not sure, anxious or upset, take a moment – maybe take a few hours, or even a few days. There really is no rush. It is more important to use your intuition from a place of clarity than confusion.
  2. Waiting till a better time can make all the difference Now you have waited and been patient and are in a better place, have another attempt at tuning in to your intuition.  You can now make your decision with greater confidence.
  3. Being patient can save you from making a wrong decision. By being patient and tuning in when you are in a better frame of mind, and in better health and comfort, you can get the answers you seek – as opposed to rushing in and making a poor decision with lower energy.
  4. Also, feeling blocked can be your body and the universe’s higher intelligence asking you to wait and hold fire before you make the decision. Maybe something needs to happen, or there is a missing piece you do not know about or are not aware of yet.


Want to explore how to tap into your business intuition and lead like a billionaire? Let’s connect and make it happen for YOU

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