How to Clear Business Blocks to Attract Global Success

Successful business leaders create companies built with a solid foundation, extraordinary brand experiences that drive extreme profitability and the ability to scale quicker than ever before. According to the KPMG Global CEO Outlook Survey 2021- 31% of businesses expect to return to normal growth this year placing a consistent pressure on executives to deliver.  Understanding how to remove our blocks to excellence is critical to our long-term success.

By transforming our thinking by taking the weakest link of our business and turning it into our greatest strength we are able to propel forward in new and exciting ways. The opportunity is to get comfortable being uncomfortable which is where the real opportunities lie.

Some of my favourite quotes on the power of problem solving:

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein

“Most people spend more of the time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them.” Henry Ford

“If you can define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution’. Steve Jobs

Blocks can be internal or external – A block can be something within yourself which could be self -sabotage, self-limiting belief and unconscious patterns. Blocks can be outside of yourself such as things in your business or personal life that need resolution before you have the ability to move forward.

How to deal with an internal block

Assess the situation calmly and objectively. Starting from a grounded place, you can then bring an intention to deal with the block.

External blocks require a different approach

These are at times outside of your control – however you can take action to resolve or remove yourself from the block that is holding yourself back. Sometimes this may be removing yourself from the situation to create space for new beginnings.

Removing your blocks can require you going where you have not been before

All business leaders are in some way blocked most of the time. My approach is not to see being blocked as the enemy or as a problem, but to see it as your opportunity. Showing you what is out of alignment so you can fix it and translate your weakness into your strength.

Sometimes we have blocks for a very good reason. These blocks may be there to protect or teach us.

As the well-versed saying goes, 90 per cent of things we worry about don’t even happen. If that is so, 90% of the blocks we face can be avoided.

My advice? Take on each block one at a time and move powerfully forward. That is where true success lies.

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